Direct Action Network

Direct Action Network (DAN) was a confederation of anarchist and anti-authoritarian affinity groups, collectives, and organizations that was formed to coordinate the direct action portion of anti-WTO mobilization in Seattle in 1999.

Soon after the Seattle mobilization, several DAN chapters formed a Continental Direct Action Network (CDAN), which rapidly expanded into branches in 12 cities in the United States and Canada. CDAN, as well as many of the local chapters, adopted principles of unity based on those of Peoples' Global Action.

Regional DANs were formed of autonomous affinity groups which coordinated actions via spokescouncils using delegation and consensus decision-making.

Other than Seattle, DAN played a key role in organizing the following protests/mobilizations:

Just prior to the September 11 attacks in 2001, DAN began to fall apart. DAN's last major mobilization was in New York City in February 2002, where remnants of the local chapter was responsible for organizing actions against the World Economic Forum attended by between 15,000 and 20,000 individuals. NYCDAN was later eclipsed by the Another World is Possible Coalition (AWIP), a local NYC network which was originally formed by DAN members.

Since DANs evaporation, many former activists have gone on to play pivotal roles in regional and national mobilizations and groups, including anti-war organizing, NY Peoples' Global Action, NYC Social Forum, New York Metro Alliance of Anarchists and other organizational work.

The websites for both Continental Direct Action Network and Direct Action Network are no longer maintained.


Hand signals in consensus process

A feature of DAN's consensus process was the use of hand signals. These included twinkling to indicate agreement with a proposal.[1]


See also

External links

Direct Action Network is also the name used by a British organization which employs "tactics of non-violent civil disobedience to promote the full participation and equality of disabled people in society"[1].